My Inner Child Unloced

Dear 10 year old Erin,

Baby girl, I wish you knew how special you are. I wish you you could see how beautiful you are. How smart you are. How talented you are. How brave you are. I wish you knew all the amazing things that you are capable of. I am only telling you this so that you don’t spend the next twenty years looking for some man to tell it to you. You are worthy! You are enough and you don’t have to prove anything to anybody. You are worthy just for being you.

Also, and really hear me when I say this…I am sorry. I apologize. I know that I am a large part of why you feel this way. I let this happen to you. I didn’t tell you how much I love you enough. I didn’t forgive enough, but instead spent so much time trying to make you feel guilty, and reiterating to you the negative thoughts that other people had about you, and for that I am so so sorry. You don’t have to jump through anymore hoops. You are enough. I love you.


First Dates & First of the year unloced…


Staying Too Long At The Party Unloced